Hades, Paragon of the Underworld
Canon, AU, Multiverse, Multiship, 18+

- Canon verse
- Post canon verse (lives, or lives on as a spirit)
- Professor AU
- Mafia AU

RTs and likes are welcome, please feel free to interact on any or all of my tweets, or pop into my DMs. 18+ for interactions only, however. I will softblock anyone that I find out is a minor.

Please remember that Emet is a villain and will act as such. He will not be soft, especially not at first, to most characters. He will not hesitate to snark or even get physical if he deems it necessary, so be warned.

There is no judgement for favorite ships, characters or interaction tropes here. I will not tolerate it.

Preferred ships: WOL, Hythlodaeus, Exarch- possibly other Ascians. Pretty much open to whatever, though I have a preference for mlm. I am a bisexual man, so I'm totally here for the ladies, but I tend to favor male identifying folx. Its just easier for me to write.

Feel free to poke me on twitter or send me something via curiouscat. Links can be found below.

( Made with Carrd )